
What is PPL Bench?

PPL Bench is a new benchmark framework for evaluating the performance of probabilistic programming languages (PPLs).

Model Instantiation and Data Generation

Pθ(X,Z)=Pθ(Z)Pθ(XZ)P_\theta(X,Z) = P_\theta(Z)P_\theta(X|Z)\\ Z1Pθ(Z)Z_1 \sim P_\theta(Z)\\ XfullPθ(XZ=Z1)X_{full} \sim P_\theta(X|Z=Z_1)\\ Xtrain=Xfull1n2X_{train} = {X_{full}}_{1\ldots\frac{n}{2}}\\ Xtest=Xfulln2nX_{test} = {X_{full}}_{\frac{n}{2}\ldots n}\\

A model with all it's parameters set to certain values is referred to as a model instance. We establish a model Pθ(X,Z)P_\theta(X,Z). We sample model-specific parameter values from their distributions. We then use the generative model to generate two sets of data - train data and test data. Here, nn refers to the total number of observations. By default, we do a 50-50 train-test split. This process of data generation is performed independent of any PPL.

PPL Implementation and Posterior Sampling

Z1...sPθ(ZX=Xtrain)Z^*_{1...s} \sim P_\theta(Z | X = X_{train})

The training data is passed to various PPL implementations to perform inference. We get ss posterior samples from inference.

Evaluation of Posterior Samples

Predictive Log Likelihood(s)=log(1si=1s(P(XtestZ=Zi)))\text{Predictive Log Likelihood}(s) = \log \left( \frac{1}{s}\sum_{i=1}^{s}(P(X_{test}|Z=Z^*_{i})) \right)

We compute Predictive Log Likelihood on the test data using posterior samples obtained from each PPL. We also compute other common evalutation metrics such as effective sample size, rhatr_{hat} and inference time.

Using PPL Bench

  • Comparing model performance across PPLs
  • Comparing the effectiveness of inference algorithms across models
  • Evaluating new inference algorithms

Purpose of PPL Bench

The purpose of PPL Bench as a probabilistic programming benchmark is two-fold.

  1. To provide researchers with a framework to evaluate improvements in PPLs in a standardized setting.
  2. To enable users to pick the PPL that is most suited for their modelling application.

Typically, comparing different ML systems requires duplicating huge segments of work: generating data, running analysis, determining predictive performance, and comparing across implementations. PPL Bench automates nearly all of this workflow.