PPL Bench currently has the following models.
Bayesian Logistic Regression
- Simple model; baseline
- Log-concave posterior, easy convergence
- For a detailed description of this model, go here.
Robust Regression
- Increased robustness to outliers
- Uses a Bayesian regression model with Student-T errors
- For a detailed description of this model, go here.
Noisy-Or Topic Model
- Inferring topics from words in a document
- Bayesian Netrowk structure with topics and words as nodes
- Supports hierarchical topics
- For a detailed description of this model, go here.
Crowdsourced Annotation
- Inferring true label of an object given multiple labeler's label assignments
- Maintain confusion matrix of each labeler
- Includes inferring the unknown prevalence of labels
- For a detailed description of this model, go here.
Adding New Models
PPL Bench supports adding new models. Please refer to for details on how to do so!